Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Year has begun!

Wow, time really flies. Last few months were super busy with church work. Anyway, as the beginning of a new year, I pray that this year will be another year of surprise.

As some of you has guessed rightly, I failed to complete my target of book reading. I target to read 26 books last year, but only manage to reach 10 books by 31st of December. Well, I admit my defeat ... (mourn for 1 minute) ... okay, let's move on.

This year, I have no time to loose. My future is at stake. I am giving all I have into education. There are few deadlines I must meet, or else I am .... dead ... really dead ...

What are the deadlines? Can't let you know. Top secret. What you can know is that those deadlines is about education.

Hope you will forgive me as I have not much time into blogging. Okay, got to go already. See you next time.