As leader, I think I would give myself a 5/10 as for my effectiveness of leadership directing the course of the student council committee. As a leader, there is a tendency in my heart to escape from responsibility by taking the excuse of delegation. To be frank, throughout the preparation of the graduation salute, my part of responsibility much have been delegate to other people. It is because of their effectiveness and hardship that made the event a success. I am glad that I was put into a team of responsible leaders.
There are area that I have not communicate well with the committee. Throughout the meetings prior to the graduation salute, we have many misunderstanding within our committee. I think this is something that would happen because each of us have different perception towards an idea. However, this should not be an excuse for me as the leader to provide a better and clearer communication channel so that conflict of decision can be minimize to the minimum.
There are also some ugly scenes happen throughout the preparation for the graduation salute. I think maybe because my personality and my leadership is not strong enough that cause such incident. They are some real "scary" arguments that shock me. People can become very emotional. Perhaps I am still naive and not used to the "tension" situation. I will need to learn how to handle emotional situation.
There is one thing I think we did quite well is that we trust those we delegate the responsibility to. I think it is important to follow-up what we have delegate, and we did pretty OK in this area.
Those who read this blog, I would like to request that you will put my in your prayer. Throughout the leadership in the student council committee, there are many tension within myself that I have yet to resolve. The temptation of power, the tension between glory and humbleness. Even as I post this blog, there is a tendency in my to use this as a channel to self-promotion. There are many area that can easily cause me to fall in my leadership. Please pray for me and advice me when needed.
I think this should be about it for my reflection today. Reflection helps me to see things better and putting it down to words would help me to organize my thoughts.
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